I have always loved making mixes. In high school, I would make a mix CD for the particular purpose of driving around with my friends, smoking cigarettes and listening to it. My boyfriend and I embraced old-school traditions after reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower and exchanged mixtapes when we were about 16. Yes, it was adorable.
Nowadays, I still love taking a bunch of songs that may or may not be related and putting them together for listening pleasure. Whether it's a gift for a friend or just intended for listening while driving my Ford Ranger around town, the mix is great.
Currently on rotation in my truck are burned CD's labeled Annika's Sexy Mix, Some Good Dave, and Some Golden Oldies. These were intended for a trip to Dallas that I didn't get to take this weekend; I was planning to see Dave Matthews Band, hence the Good Dave mix.
Anyway - there are all kinds of good mixes!
- the Best Of mix, in which you put together the best songs from a particular band or artist, year, decade, or anything else you can think of!
- the Totally Random mix - pretty self-explanatory
- the Mood mix: this can go from "Autumn Leaves" (another Perks reference, sorry, but that book has one of the best damn mood mixes everrr) to just plain "Melancholy."
- the Love mix. You make this one for the object of your affection. It is to be filled with obnoxiously cute songs that the two of you have labeled "our song." You know you've done that, so don't pretend you're too cool to claim ownership over Blink-182's "I Miss You" because it just describes your relationship SoOoOoOo well. (In my defense, it was 8th grade. and I'm still with the guy!)
What kind of mixes do you like to make? Was there a particularly masterful mix you're super proud of? TELL ME ALL ABOUT IT!